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Registered Members in Category A:  

The following companies and institutions are registered members in Category A for welding equipment and service suppliers in resistance welding.
Company / Institution Main Business Area Country
Allweld Technologies Inc. Machine, Electrode / Material Canada
ARO S.A. Welding guns and control units France
ATENSYS Welding Systems Welding machines and control units Germany
Automation International Inc. Machine / Controllers / Electrode USA
AWL-Techniek B.V. Welding machines and guns  Netherlands
Baosteel Steel supplier China
Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH Welding control units /software /consulting  Germany
Brouwer Metaal B.V. Electrode / Copper alloys Netherlands
Centro Ricerche FIAT (C.R.F.) Welding machine / Consulting service Italy
COMAU PICO Welding machines and guns  USA
Computer Integrated Welding, Inc. Welding machines and control units USA
DALEX Schweißmaschinen GmbH & Co.KG Welding machines and electrodes Germany
DEM - Disseny, Estudi i Mecanització, S.L Electrode / Consulting Spain
De Nayer Instituut Consulting service / Research Belgium
Harms & Wende GmbH & Co. KG Welding process control units Germany
H. A. Schlatter AG Welding machines and control units Switzerland
Huys Industries Limited Electrode / Consulting Canada
Institut za varilstvo d.o.o.  (Welding institute) Consulting / Education Slovenia
IPL – Technical University of Denmark Education / Research Denmark
ISF – Welding Institute, RWTH-Aachen Education / Research Germany
ISOMATIC Welding machine / Consulting service UK
LORS Machinery, Inc. Welding machines and electrodes USA
Matuschek Messtechnik GmbH Welding process control units  Germany
Mecanco Supplier of welding electrodes Belgium
MECHELONIC Welders Private Ltd. Machine / Controllers / Electrode India
MTP S.r.l. Welding machines Italy
Pars Paya Welding Industrial Co. Machine / Controllers / Electrode Iran
Punkt-prom d.o.o. Welding machines and electrodes Croatia
RESISTRONIC AG Welding machines and control units Switzerland
S. S. Controls Welding controllers India
SWANTEC Software and Engineering ApS Welding software / consulting Denmark
Swedish Institute for Metals Research (SIMR) Consulting service / Research Sweden
SWG SA Special Welding Guns Switzerland
TECNA S.p.A. Welding machines, guns and control units Italy
TWI Ltd., The Welding Institute Consulting service / Research UK
University of Tuzla Education / consulting B&H

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