Innovative • Professional • Dependable
There has been a great demand
from industry for the information of new developments and applications of
resistance welding as well as access to the experts in resistance welding.
Through organisations of the series of International Seminars on Advances
in Resistance Welding and other collaborative activities, the Innovative
Resistance Welding Network, INNOWELD.NET, has been established
since November 2002, which serves as the seminar organiser and
an information centre to link professional people and
organisations working in resistance welding thus to benefit
the industrial users of resistance welding. The objectives of the
INNOWELD.NET are to advance the developments and applications of
resistance welding in industry, to promote the dissemination of new
developments in resistance welding to industrial members and users of
resistance welding, thus to strengthen the link between the suppliers
and users of resistance welding technology. According to the activities
related to resistance welding, the members are classified into two
Category A for welding equipment and service
suppliers, and INNOWELD.NET is free-of-charge
and open for participation of all. The registered members will also
get a certain discount for participation in the activities.
Please use the on-line membership registration form to join
now. The organising partners will
be responsible for organising the following activities:
1) To continue organising the International Seminar on Advances in
Resistance Welding.